Dr Daveson’s work has featured in peer-reviewed journals, publications, conference papers and various forms of media including newspapers, TV and radio.
ABC Catalyst [link: https://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/hook-worms/11011692]
ABC TV Science [link: http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/content/2009/s2721104.htm]
ABC net news [link: http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/news/audio/twt/200910/20091022-twt-07-hookworm-coeliac.mp3]
The Herald Sun [link: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/worming-a-way-out-of-coeliac-disease-using-hook-worms-is-dr-james-davesons-mission/story-e6frfhk6-1225789785047]
The Daily Mercury [link: http://www.dailymercury.com.au/news/worms-harnessed-to-counter-disease/268098/]
The Brisbane Times [link: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/parasitic-worms--just-what-the-doctor-ordered-20091022-hb6n.html]
ABC Health News (link: https://www.msn.com/en-au/health/medical/coeliac-disease-is-undiagnosed-in-many-genetically-at-risk-children-research-shows-heres-what-to-look-for/ar-AA1iQmS4?ocid=socialshare )
Daveson AJM, Hooi CE, Andrews JM, et al (2017) Epitope-Specific Immunotherapy Targeting CD4-Positive T Cells in Celiac Disease: Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Effects on Intestinal Histology and Plasma Cytokines with Escalating Dose Regimens of Nexvax2 in a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Phase 1 Study. eBioMedicine. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ebiom.2017.11.018
Daveson AJM, Varney M, Jackson KE & Tye-Din JA. (August 2017) Discrepancies in genetic testing results for coeliac disease: call for standardised testing and reporting. Med J Aust 2017; 207 (4): 179-180. doi: 10.5694/mja17.00314
Goel G, King T, Daveson AJ et al. (July 2017) Epitope-specific immunotherapy targeting CD4-positive T cells in coeliac disease: two randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 1 studies. The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2 (7) 479-493 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2468-1253(17)30110-3 |
Tye-Din JA, Cameron DJS, Daveson AJM et al. (2015) Appropriate clinical use of human leucocyte Antigen typing for coeliac disease: an Australian perspective. (2015) Int Med Journal. 45 4: 441-450.
Daveson, AJM, Anderson RP. (June 2012) Small Bowel Endoscopy and Coeliac Disease. Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology. 26 (2012) 315–323
Gaze S, McSorley H, Daveson AJM, et al (February 2012) Characterizing the Mucosal and Systemic Immune Responses to Experimental Human Hookworm Infection. PLoS Pathog 8(2): e1002520.
McSorley H, Gaze S, Daveson, AJM, et al. (September 2011) Suppression of Inflammatory Immune Responses in Celiac Disease by Experimental Hookworm Infection. PLoS One. 6 (9): e24092 pg1-7.
Daveson AJ, Jones DM, Gaze S, et al. (Mar 2011) Effect of Hookworm Infection on Wheat Challenge in Celiac Disease –
A Randomised Double –Blinded Placebo Controlled Trial. PLoS One. 6 (3): e17366 pg1-9.
Daveson AJM, Appleyard M. Chapter: Future Perspectives of Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy in New Challenges in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (2008) Tajiri H, Nakajima M, Yasuda K. Springer Japan KK
Daveson AJM, Macdonald GA. (June 2008) A case of periportal fibrosis in a Sudanese refugee. MJA 2008; 188 (11): 677-678
Daveson AJM, Masson J, Cameron D, Jennings M. (Dec 2007) A case of an isolated gastric variceal bleed secondary to a neuroendocrine pancreatic tumor. European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.19:1144-1148
Daveson AJ. Colditz PB. (Dec 1993) Lack of agreement between two methods of measuring haemoglobin. Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health. 29 (6):459-60.
Daveson AJ, Ee H, Andrews JM, King T, Goldstein KE, Williams LJ, Treohan A, Cooreman M, Anderson R. Safety and tolerability, immunological and intestinal effect, and pharmacokinetics (PK) of dose titration preceding maintenanace doses of Nexvax2® in HLA-DQ2.5+ celiac disease (CeD). United European Gastroenterology Week (UEGW), Prague 2017.
An YK, Allsopp S, Daveson KL, Daveson AJM. Demyelination during infliximab therapy for Crohn’s disease. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. Doi:10.1111/jgh.13522. Australian Gastroenterology Week Adelaide 2016
Shelley L, Jacobs A, Daveson AJM. Nutrient deficiencies are common at the time of diagnosing coeliac disease in an Australian cohort J Gastroenterol Hepatol. Doi: 10.1111/jgh.13523. Australian Gastroenterology Week Adelaide 2016
Shelley L, Jacobs A, Daveson AJM. Disaccharidase deficiency at time of diagnosis of coeliac disease, with rates of mucosal healing at surveillance endoscopy. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. Doi: 10.1111/jgh.13523. Australian Gastroenterology Week Adelaide 2016
Goel G, King T, Daveson J, et al Efficacy, safety, tolerability and immunological effects of Nexvax2Ò, a peptide-based therapeutic vaccine, administered by intra-dermal (ID) injection twice –weekly for 8 weeks in HLA-DQ2.5+ celiac disease (CeD). DDW May 24 2016 San Diego, Abstract 846
Goel G, Mayassi T, Qiao W-W, Ciszewski C, King T, Daveson J, et al A single intradermal (ID) injection of Nexvax2Ò, a peptide composition with dominant epitopes for gluten-reactive CD4+ T cells, activates T cells and triggers acute gastrointestinal symptoms in HLA-DQ2.5+ people with celiac disease (CeD). DDW, San Diego, May 21 2016. Sa1396
Goel G, Andrews J, Krause R, Fogel R, Barish CH, Daveson J, et al Nexvax2Ò, a peptide-based antigen-specific immunotherapy, administered intra-dermally three-times over 15-days attenuates responsiveness to immune-dominant gluten peptides in HLA-DQ2.5+ people with celiac disease (CeD). DDW May 21 2016 Sa1395
Allsopp S, Daveson AJM Pregnancy outcomes in IBD patients in a regional clinic. J Gastroenterol Hepatol.. Australian Gastroenterology Week Adelaide 2015 (30) Suppl 3;p124
Al-Shinnag M, Daveson AJ. Polyp prevalence in patients aged 50 years or less: a prospective single centre analysis. (2015), Endoscopy. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 30: 27–71. doi:10.1111/jgh.13089
Taylor, S, Daveson AJ. Concordance between numbers of duodenal biopsies collected at OGD and the number received for histological analysis. (2015), Endoscopy. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 30: 27–71. doi:10.1111/jgh.13089
Lee JY, Tutticci N, Daveson AJ. Video capsule endoscopy: can an Australian centre meet Capsule Endoscopy certification criteria for trainees? (2015), Late Breakers. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 30: 172–175. doi:10.1111/jgh.13098
Muir R, Smith I, Taylor, S, Daveson AJ. An Assessment of the Diagnostic Utility of Coeliac Serology in an Australian Referral Centre Gastroenterology, (May 2014) Volume 146 , Issue 5 , S-474 Su1458.
Daveson AJM, Jones DM, Hewett DG. Polyp prevalence at colonoscopy in patients aged 40 years or less: a prospective multisite analysis. J Gastro Hepatol (2012) 27 (Suppl 4)
Andelkovic M, Jones DM, Daveson AJM. Outcomes post double balloon enteroscopy – a report of the first 57 cases. J Gastro Hepatol (2012) 27 (Suppl 4)
Daveson AJM, et al. (Nov 2009) Necator Americanus Inhibits Gluten Sensitivity. A Phase 2A Randomized double Blinded Placebo Controlled Trial. Gut 58: A59
Daveson AJM, et al. (Oct 2009) A Phase 2A randomized double blinded placebo controlled study evaluating immunity and gluten sensitivity by inoculating coeliac disease patients with the human hookworm necator americanus. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 24(2): A221
Daveson AJM, et al. A phase 2a, randomized, double blinded, placebo controlled, study evaluating immunity and gluten-sensitivity by inoculating Coeliac Disease patients with the human hookworm Necator americanus. DDW (2009). PM2035
Daveson AJM, et al. (Feb 2009) Establishing Necator americanus in Coeliac Disease. A model to explore Crohn’s Disease. Broad Medical research Program, seventh Annual Investigator Meeting. 2: 324
Croese J, Daveson AJM, MJ, Melrose W, Speare R. Allergy controls the population density of Necator americanus in the small intestine. 2007. Abstract Queensland Gastroenterology Society Annual Meeting.
Brown GJ, Daveson AJ, Anderson RP, et al. (May 2011) A Phase 1 Study to Determine Safety, Tolerability and Bioactivity of Nexvax2® in HLA DQ2+ Volunteers With Celiac Disease Following a Long-Term, Strict Gluten-Free Diet. DDW – Su1235
Coeliac Queensland gluten free expo. Brisbane 2018.
Reset CeD Investigator’s Meeting. Nexvax2 - Lessons learned. Boston MA, USA 2018
Novel therapies in Coelaic Disease – an update. Australian gastroenterology Week Brisbane Qld 2018
FODMAP Educational Seminar University of Queensland 2017
Inflammatory enteropathies – an update. Grand Rounds Mackay Hospital & health Service 2017.
Keynote speaker – Gluten free Expo Perth Western Australia. March 19/20 2016
Coeliac vaccine - an update. Australian Gastroenterology Week-GENCA. October 2014.
Coeliac Queensland gluten free expo. Brisbane 2015.
Coeliac Queensland gluten free expo. Brisbane 2015.
Keynote speaker. Queensland Coeliac Society State Seminar. Coeliac Disease - An update. March 2011.
Weight Matters Conference Toowoomba November 2010.
Gastroenterological Society of Queensland AGM. Necator Americanus and Coeliac Disease. November 2009.
Queensland Gastroenterological Society Meeting. Necator Americanus Inhibits Gluten Sensitivity. June 2009.
Hookworms and coeliac disease – Is there a link? The Irresistible Gluten Free Show. Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. May 2009.
Keynote speaker. Queensland Coeliac Society State Seminar. An update: Inoculating Coeliac Disease Patients with the Human Hookworm Necator Americanus. March 2009.
The Townsville Hospital Gut Club. A phase 2a randomized, double-blind placebo controlled trial evaluating gluten sensitivity in patients infected with Necator americanus. February 2009.
Queensland Coeliac Society State Conference. Research in Progress: Inoculating Coeliac Disease Patients with the Human Hookworm Necator Americanus. April 2008.
Queensland Gastroenterological Society Meeting. Confirmation that Immature Necator Americanus Auto Regulates Intestinal Colonisation by Helminthic Parasites. June 2006.
Royal Australasian College of Physicians National Congress. A case of an isolated gastric variceal bleed secondary to a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor. June 2007.
Australian Gastroenterology Week-GENCA. A phase 2a randomized, double-blind placebo controlled trial evaluating gluten sensitivity in patients infected with Necator americanus. October 2008.
Gastro 2009: United European Gastroenterology Week/World Congress of Gastroenterology. Necator Americanus Inhibits Gluten Sensitivity. London England November 2009.
7th Annual Investigator Meeting Broad Medical Research Program. Establishing Necator americanus in Coeliac Disease. A model to explore Crohn’s Disease. Los Angeles. USA February 2009.
Department of Surgery. Jichi Medical University, Shimotsuke, Tochigi, Japan. Establishing Necator americanus in Coeliac Disease. A model to explore Crohn’s Disease. Japan. April 2009.
Department of Internal Medicine. Jichi Medical University, Shimotsuke, Tochigi, Japan. Establishing Necator americanus in Coeliac Disease. A model to explore Crohn’s Disease. Japan. May 2009.
Department of Surgery, Saitama Medical Center Jichi Medical University, Saitamashi Saitamaken, Japan. Necator americanus in coeliac disease. A model to explore Crohn’s Disease. Japan. May 2009.